Advent is Coming!

IMG_0388Year B
November 30-December 24, 2014

Three weeks until Advent!
I am working on an Advent Series and will post it shortly (possibly in bits and pieces).

Here is where we are headed: this year during our children’s sermon time, we will focus on the Chrismon Tree! Right, I said Chrismon Tree, not Christmas Tree. See here for an explanation of this relatively new church tradition. Last year, we had such fun building the creche with the Year A lectionary, and lighting the Advent candles goes best with the Year C lectionary; we are excited to see that the Year B lectionary fits nicely with the Chrismon Tree. Not every church uses a Chrismon Tree, so you can refer to my previous series for Advent Year B. But if you have a Chrismon Tree, think of how your church might highlight it to share God’s story. Below is a draft outline. We are also working on crafting O Chrismon Tree from the traditional song O Christmas Tree. (More later as rhyme and meter are settled!)

We are stressing SLOW. Our choir will do the anthem (one of my all time favorites: Lord, Before This Fleeting Season by Jindra/Larson… “let me remember to walk slowly…go less, stay closer to home, kneel more”), and so we will slowly decorate the Chrismon Tree over the 4 weeks of Advent.

To keep from being too complex during the children’s sermon, we will light the candles of the Advent Wreath during another portion of the service so we don’t need to refer to the wreath during the children’s sermon.

November 30
Advent 1
scripture– Mark 13:24-37 (Keep awake!)
focus: We open Advent by explaining that this is a season to move slowly and prepare for Christmas. Not slow in sitting around doing nothing, but we take time to be intentional.
prop: While the sanctuary will be decorated, the Chrismon Tree will be bare. Children will gather around the tree…which will have NO ornaments or lights. Discussion will focus that we are moving slowly this Advent. We bring in the tree and wrap its base with a tree skirt (yes, a la Linus and Peanuts), setting the foundation for our Advent Season. Yes, we want to get everything decorated and finished…but this year, we are moving slowly.
Echo Prayer
Song O Chrismon Tree

December 7
Advent 2
scripture– Mark 1:1-8 (Good News!)
focus: To go with the scripture, this Sunday we will highlight the ornaments of the tree. The top ¾ of the tree will have ornaments (lights will be strung, but not lit until the 3rd Sunday). Children will have the opportunity to place child-friendly ornaments on the lower branches during this sermon. The ornaments tell the story of the Church throughout time using various symbols.
Echo Prayer
Song O Chrismon Tree

December 14
Advent 3
scripture– John 1:6-8, 19-28 (Bear witness to the Light!)
focus: The Lights! Today we light the lights! These lights remind us that Jesus is the Light of the World!
Echo Prayer
Song O Chrismon Tree

December 21
Advent 4
scripture– Luke 1:26-38 (Fear Not!)
focus: The Angel appears to Mary saying, Fear Not! Did you know that every time an angel appears in the Bible, they say Fear Not!? God is with us always. The angel tree topper will be at the top now.
Echo Prayer
Song O Chrismon Tree

December 24
Christmas Eve
scripture– Luke 2:1-14 (15-20); 1 John 4:7-9, 16b; John 1:1-5
focus: We have been moving slowly during the Advent Season, but now Christmas is here. We will be like the shepherds and make haste to see the Baby Jesus!
Echo Prayer
Song O Chrismon Tree

and Bonus! Epiphany (Jan 4 or 11?)
We will still have the Chrismon Tree, and I hope to get the youth to participate in that children’s sermon, leading the kids in singing The Trees of the Field song…as we go out with JOY from the children’s sermon!

5 responses to “Advent is Coming!

  1. Marie in Burnaby, BC

    I’m wondering why you are calling it a Chrismon tree not Christmas tree? Where does this new word come from?

  2. This is wonderful theme for us to incorporate this year! thank you! We are simplifying our traditional decor in the sanctuary anyway. Looking forward to O Chrismon Tree! 🙂

  3. Pingback: O Chrismon Tree! | on the chancel steps

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