Holding Hands

for Sunday, November 11, 2012
32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
24th Sunday after Pentecost
Proper 27
lectionary focus: Ruth 3:1-5; 4:13-17

When my friend Zachary was younger, he got kind of nervous when he went to bed. He was not comfortable being alone in the dark. Zach knew that his parents were right there in the house so his heart knew that he was wrapped in a coat of love, love, love–but his hands felt empty. Zach wanted some thing to hold with his hands. And so Zach’s parents gave him a soft, fuzzy blanket. Now Zach’s hands were not empty. Holding on to that blanket with his hands made Zach feel secure. It was his security blanket. And Zach was not so nervous in the dark.

In our Bible story today, Ruth and Naomi feel nervous in a new land. These two women have moved far from home and are now alone. They know in their hearts that the Lord loves them and will take care of them–but their hands feel empty. And so the Lord sends them a family. Ruth and Naomi can hold on to the hands of their growing family. Their hands are no longer empty and they feel comfortable and secure.

We know that wherever we are, whatever we are doing, God is with us and He fills our hearts with love, love, love. But God knows that some times our hands feel empty. So God gives us family–our family at home, at church, in our neighborhoods, at school–so that we can hold on to each other.

And by holding each other’s hands, we feel comfortable; we feel secure; we feel the love of God.

Will you pray with me? And today, while we pray, let us hold hands with those sitting next to us. (This is an echo prayer: the leader says a line and the children repeat it.)

Dear Lord,
Thank You
for all our families
and our hands to hold
that we may feel secure
that we may feel Your love.

We are not Christians alone.
My mission is to share, inspire, and encourage.

2 responses to “Holding Hands

  1. Holding hands…we take for granted what an intimate act this is. When we hold hands we need to remember that God is present in that act.

  2. Touched my heart. I just got home from taking my mom to her church fall festival and I held her hand as we walked through the busy parking lot. Yes, I felt loved.

I wonder what you think of this story?

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